Tuesday, September 28, 2010


9:o1 pm...spent the last couple of hours trying to organize the essentials into some type of order...bathroom, first aid, in the bush, checked, carry on...there's not a lot of stuff, it's just a matter of where to put it. I don't want to throw everything into a bag and have to dig and search when we get there. Got most of it together, I think.

Busy day at work training my sub---she's got two and a half more days (yikes!!) to get it and she's on her own. I'm outta there at noon on Friday....Getting down to the wire...calling SAA tomorrow to confirm our flight...a few more ends to tie up and we're done!

No playing with pictures tonight. Bringing my computer to work tomorrow-maybe while she's doing my stuff I'll play, but for now I'm crawling into my bed with my book and hopefully will sleep....gym 4:30 tomorrow morning....yuk.

PS---is that my LauraL following me???? We'll talk tomorrow...xxoo

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