Monday, September 27, 2010

This is a test...

of the Fledgling Author broadcasting system...

Can I successfully link my Picasa web album to my blog? Can I figure out how to get a Picasa web album url to allow my family and friends to view said web album? Can I determine how to upload a photo from said web album to blog? Can I understand why it is that I am using said language? What is said language? Who said it? And why? Who cares?

Let me give this a is currently 8:24 pm...any wagers on how long this will take me?

....tick tock...

8:48....tick tock...

still trying...

damn it! It says image is uploading and nothing comes up.


OH-OH -OH---THERE SHE IS!!! Not exactly where I wanted to place her, but she's here...8:54pm---thirty minutes for one friggin' little dog. That's Sydney, by the way. She's an English Bulldog who owns our friend Doug. I took this in our front yard in June, when she was about 10 weeks old but she's a big girl now!

Let me try another...

OK-this is going to take some practice...thirty minutes to get the dog photo in the blog, ten more to get the sunflower, but I need to figure out how to control the placement. Glad I started this four days before we're in Africa and didn't wait until I got there. Too bad I didn't THINK of this 6 months ago. Oh well, with age comes wisdom...

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