Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday already

These weeks are flying. Tonight is a short post because I'm going to "Associated Content" to create an account for myself and see if I can get some stuff published online. I found out about the site through Allena Tapia at I receive emails from her Freelance Writing guide, and she's been a great help as I try to learn about that aspect of writing. I came across the AC site the other day after perusing some of her mail that I hadn't had time to look at and it seems like it might be a good place to get my feet wet. It's easy to understand, which is always helpful for me.
Still haven't learned the link thing yet so here's the address....
My husband and I are going to South Africa next October and I'm going to see if they'll accept some submissions about the trip. (In case anyone might be wondering-the elephant on my page is a countdown to the days remaining)
My daughter, Meredith, made an allusion today that I'm becoming obsessed with my blog. She ain't seen nothin' yet! (Love ya, honey!)


Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

Oh my! Look at your lovely new layout!

Oh, and the blog obsession only gets stronger with time ;-)

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

Oh, and also, to leave links? here's what you do:

1. highlight the text that you want to be made into a link
2. at the top of the page you're writing in, there are a bunch of different formatting buttons. Click on the one that says "link" editing box will pop up so that you can type the website that you want the link to direct to!

Hope that helps :-)

allena said...

Hey thanks for the mention! I generally counsel new writers not to spend TOO much time at AC. If you have a knack for writing online article, you'll be able to make much more then AC gives you by writing for clients and etc, like I talk about at the website.