Friday, January 8, 2010

The Babbling Flow of a Fledgling Scribbler: 100 Followers = My 1st Giveaway Contest!

The Babbling Flow of a Fledgling Scribbler: 100 Followers = My 1st Giveaway Contest!

I'm not sure, but I think this will take you to another blog. I'm so new at this, I feel like I'm groping around in the dark. In my search for writing blogs to read and learn, and also to try and find my own blog, I Googled "Fledgling Author blog" and came up with a bunch of stuff, this site being one. But there's so much to read-in ALL of them-I don't know how I'm going to do it. Of the three blogs that I've chosen so far, two bloggers are full time writers. It seems I'd have to drop everything just to stay on top of blog reading. I'm not giving up, though. I'm always slow at something new. If I am right about this taking you elsewhere, and if there's anyone out there reading this who can help me (besides my family), please let me know...

Will wonders never cease?
I just inadvertently learned how to provide a link to another blog! I'm so proud of myself, but it will remain to be seen if I can do it again, and not by accident...
Happy Friday night!

1 comment:

Sara {Rhapsody and Chaos} said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Don't worry, I know it can seem overwhelming at first. But it gets easier... Though it can be addicting, and if you let it time-consuming. But it's worth it, trust me, because the online community of writers is soooo supportive!

Looking forward to reading more :-)